Not only sheet metal stamping: Minifaber and the WHP programme for the health at the workplace

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Minifaber WHP

Minifaber recently joined an innovative programme launched by Regione Lombardia: the WHP, a plan to promote health policies at the workplace. With this adhesion, Minifaber confirms its steady commitment in corporate welfare, aware that people and their well-being are the most precious value for any enterprise.

The Workplace Health Promotion (WHP) is a concept that involves more than just safety and health at the workplace. It is an initiative that includes multiple actions in different directions, with the goal to stimulate an improvement in the lifestyle and well-being of the workers, in order to enhance their life quality even outside work.

The programme, launched by Regione Lombardia, is aimed at the local companies that wish to adhere to the corporate welfare principles promoted by the WHP. The programme demands the annual fulfilment of at least three good practises in two of the following areas:

  • Promotion of healthy nutrition
  • Actions against tobacco smoke
  • Promotion of physical activity
  • Promotion of road safety and sustainable mobility
  • Actions against alcohol and other dependences
  • Promotion of well-being and work-life balance

So far, the programme has been joined by dozens of local companies, guaranteeing a significant contribution of the private sector to the welfare policies of the Region.

Minifaber and the WHP Programme

Recently, also Minifaber - European leading company in sheet metal stamping -  joined the list of companies that entered the WHP network. For Minifaber, this adhesion was a natural step: it has been many years, in fact, that the company is involved in the promotion of life quality at the workplace, launching many initiatives for the well-being of employees, both in the sheet metal stamping compartment and in the administrative offices. The last action, reported on this blog last summer, was the promotion of Smart Working for a better life-work balance, a topic that is also included in the strategic areas of the WHP programme.

Not only sheet metal stamping: following the WHP programme, Minifaber will continue in the following months its commitment for a better life quality of people who work in the company. Keep following us on this blog to be always updated about all the news!

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